Sometimes, when I meet someone new, they ask me about what I do. When they find out that I own a couple different businesses, I'm an author, and I have two kids, they always ask me the same thing:
"Wait... HOW old are you??"
To which I (somewhat sheepishly) reply that I'm 24.
After they get over a moment of surprise, they often follow up with a second question: "So, how did you get to where you are now?"
I have to smile and bite my tongue.
What do they want me to say? I wonder, Do they want to hear that it’s been a long, hard journey? Or are they looking for some “secret” to success?
Is there a secret to success? Well, actually, yes. Yes, there is.
Okay, so I know that this might be a little bit controversial, because you’ve probably been told that there ISN’T a secret to success. That the only “secret” is that you have to work hard and stick to it.
But that’s not the secret I’m talking about. No, my #1 secret to success is this:
The secret to success is to take advantage of the experience of others who have already done what you’re trying to do.
I know it sounds simple. I know you’ve heard this before. But do you understand how important it is?
When I started my first company eleven years ago, I was still in high school. It wasn’t my first venture into entrepreneurialism, but it was my first actual business.
It took me seven years of working in that company before I finally started to see major growth and turn it into a company I was running instead of just a job I’d created for myself. (Seven years!)
In my opinion, seven years is far too long. Not because I’m impatient, but simply because it’s unnecessary! I didn’t have to go through all that time of struggle and waiting to see success.
How do I know that time was unnecessary? Because since I’ve really embraced the “secret” and discovered how to embrace the help of others, I not only tripled the size of my first business (and sold it for a handsome profit), but I’ve also been able to build three more successful businesses. And let me tell you --- they took a fraction of the time that it took to build the first.
So, let me just say it again: The secret to success (in your business, your health, your relationships, etc.) is to take advantage of the experience of others who have already done what you’re trying to do.
A Little Bit About Me:
That first business I started eleven years ago, it’s known as Northwest School of Music, and it’s grown to be the region’s premier academy of the arts. I’m also a bestselling author, and the owner of three thriving businesses (each in completely different industries).
I tell you this not to brag, but to help you understand that my experience in business (both online and off) is quite diverse. In building these companies, I’ve had to learn dozens and dozens of skills and intensely study business strategy. There simply was no other way!
But this isn’t really about me --- it’s actually about you! Because you have something that you want to build, right? That’s why you’re here!
This email is getting way too long, but before I say “The End” let me just take a second to tell you what you can expect in the future:
Each week, I’ll be emailing you to share the behind-the-scenes of running my businesses, as well as what I learn through my constant experimentation. Sometimes, I’ll even go a step further and send you an invitation to one of my video workshops.
I’m all about delivering exceptional value to make your entrepreneurial journey as enjoyable and rewardingas possible, so you’re definitely going to want to get these emails. (If your SPAM filter tends to be a little overzealous, make sure you whitelist my address.)
To wrap this up, there’s a couple things you might want to do:
- Go check out all the FREE resources I have available for you at https://www.gillianperkins.
com/free-resources/ Join our private Facebook group, Ready, Set, Launch! Inside, you'll find a small-but-mighty tribe of online entrepreneurs, all working together to grow our businesses faster and stronger. I'm in there on the regular myself, answering questions, offering strategy advice, and just hanging out with my peeps. Hope to see you there!
- Interested in working with me? Every day I help clients figure out exactly how to turn their dreams into reality and LAUNCH their own businesses. If this sounds like the something you'd find helpful, then click hereto apply for a free, 15-minute discovery call!
And, finally, I'd just like to express how glad I am that our paths have crossed. And, personally, I don't believe in accidents. ;)
Gillian Perkins
Business Strategist,
Founder, Aptus Creative Marketing
Author, SORTED: Freedom Through Structure
Business Strategist,
Founder, Aptus Creative Marketing
Author, SORTED: Freedom Through Structure
Find me on social! :)