Sunday, 18 February 2018


  1. Are you interested to try,win and gain?
  2. I know you are.
  3. Only thing is how to do that?
  4. There is always a way to do things.
  5. What is that?
  6. For example: take on word like INTRODUCTION.
  7. How many words can you make from this without using the same alphabet again and again?
  8. in,on,it,rod, trod,rot, tin, or  etc. and many more.
  9. If you are interested you can take as many big words  and from there you make many words.
  10. What is the benefit?
  11. You will increase your vocabulary.
  12. Use these words in a sentence and master these words.
  13. You can read and understand.
  14. You can write very nice sentences.
  15. you can speak at ease.
  16. You can be a master of English Language.
  19. Try this and you will learn more,enjoy more and gain more knowledge useful in your day to day life.
  20. You as any good student, write down a word with more than  9,10.11.12 or more alphabets.
  21. Have a good dictionary handy.
  22. Play this game. and spend your time in a constructive way.
  23. But do within a limit.
  24. Don't do more. you will get bored.'
  25. Wish you good luck.
  26. My dear children,Take any word, make as many words as you can, send the details to me. One who makes many words will get an appreciation comment and also a gift.
  27. You can tell all your friends also to try,win and gain.
  28. send the mail to :
  29. wish you all good luck.

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